Do Pit Bulls Shed A Lot and How Can You Reduce Shedding?
The short answer to this question is yes, Pit Bulls do shed. But their level of shedding is moderate, not high.
Like most dogs, they leave dog hair in and around the house. It comes with the territory - so to speak.
Dog poop, slobber, and dog fur…some of the unavoidable realities of owning a Pit Bull, or any other dog breed for that matter.
So let’s discuss the matter of dog shedding a bit more and what you can do to control it, or at the very least, live with it.
Why do Dogs Shed?
A dog’s coat helps it control its body temperature. This is especially important in dogs that live in freezing temperatures. They often have long hair that insulates their body and protects their vital organs.
For these dog breeds, shedding season is usually during Spring and Fall as the change of season brings different weather patterns. You can expect your dog to shed more during these months than at other times.
But dogs also shed throughout the year. For example, as a dog ages, it sheds to get rid of old or damaged hair.
Besides these natural reasons, there could be a more serious cause for excessive shedding. We will discuss this later in the article.
If that’s the case with your pitbull, keep reading!
Do all dog breeds shed the same amount?
No, some dogs shed way more than others. And while a lot depends on your dog's physical and mental condition, their genetics and breed also have a part to play.
Some dogs have been bred to face sub-freezing temperatures and thus have very thick coats, while others are generally found in warmer climates and have short hair.
Single-coated dog breeds
Single-coated dog breeds only have one layer of fur.
And because their hair takes longer to grow to its full length, they generally shed less often than dogs with a double fur coat.
The American Pitbull Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier are examples of breeds with short hair. Their coats are much easier to maintain, making them more favorable for dog owners prone to allergic reactions.
Double-coated dog breeds
Double-coated dogs have two layers of fur. The underlayer consists of dense, short hairs, which often have a wooly texture, while the top coat has longer hair, called guard hairs.
Examples of dogs with double coats are Huskies, Chows and Labrador Retrievers.
Why do they have two layers?
Their undercoat provides warmth during cold winter months and also keeps them cool during the summer.
Double-coated dog breeds shed more than single-coated dogs with seasonal and year-round shedding.
So if you own one of these breeds, be prepared to deal with additional shedding. But chances are you love your furry friend so much that you are willing to put up with a few hairs on the sofa!
What about hypoallergenic dogs?
When used in connection with dogs, it refers to dogs that are less likely to cause allergic reactions to their owners.
And while the idea is that some dog breeds are completely hypoallergenic, the reality is that no dog breed is
While some breeds, such as the Pit Bull, shed less than other dogs, they all carry allergens in one form or another.
What to Do With All the Dog Fur Around the House
You can do a few things to keep dog hair on your furniture to a minimum.
Invest in a Pit Bull shedding brush and use it regularly on your dog. Don’t allow your Pit Bull’s hair to get out of control.
Also, consider buying a small, handheld vacuum to suck up any tuffs of hair lying around the house or apartment.
What Causes Excessive Shedding?
Shedding is a natural process in which dogs get rid of unwanted or excess hair. But at times, other factors cause a dog to shed excessively.

Here are a few possible reasons your Pit Bull might be shedding more than usual.
1. Skin allergies
When humans have an allergic reaction to something like pollen, we often sneeze or get hay fever.
Dogs don’t have the same reactions to allergies, but they do show signs of irritation. Their paws, ears, belly and folds in their skin often show the most signs of skin irritation
This skin allergy is often referred to as atopy, and Pit Bulls often have it. One of the side effects is dry skin and excessive shedding.
If your dog has sensitive skin, ask your local vet for treatment advice.
2. Diet
In the same way humans suffer the effects of a poor diet, dogs also show an overall decline in their health if they don’t get the nutrients they need from a stable diet.
If you’ve been skimping on good quality dog food (I get it - times are tough), consider changing to a meat-rich diet. Cheap dog food often lacks the nutrients your dog needs, like omega-3 fatty acids.
A higher quality diet will not only do wonders for their overall health and happiness but leave them with a shiny, vibrant coat that requires less attention.
3. Food allergies
Proteins like chicken, eggs, and beef are the most common allergens. If your dog is allergic to one or all of these foods, excessive shedding is one of the possible side effects.
4. Stress
Pit Bulls shed more when they’re under a lot of stress, like other dog breeds.
Perhaps they aren’t getting enough exercise, or they’ve lost a pack member. Whatever the reason, a stressed dog is an unhealthy dog.
So try to keep your dog’s stress levels down by stimulating his senses through walks and social interaction as often as possible. If they’re down one pack member, find a replacement and keep them happy.
How to Reduce Your Pit Bull’s Shedding
The best approach as a dog owner to preventing your dog from shedding excessively is by keeping them healthy and happy and addressing any health concerns in a natural, sustainable way.
Regular grooming is a good starting point. Use the best Pit Bull shedding brush and comb its coat regularly to get rid of dead hair.
Also, use natural dog shampoo when giving them a bath, especially if your Pit Bull has sensitive skin. Do a thorough wash that allows the shampoo to work on your dog's skin and coat. This will also encourage the natural oils they produce to bring a shine to their coat.
Invest in the highest quality dog food you can afford to improve your dog's overall health and well-being and keep his coat in optimal condition.

And lastly, up your dog's activities.
Pitbull breeds are known to be very active. They have large upper body muscles and thrive when they get regular exercise.
So don’t skimp on walks. Take your Pit Bull terrier for walks in the park or open areas, as far away from traffic noise and other distractions as possible.
This reduces their stress and will help them shed their coats less.
A final thought
So Pit Bulls shed. But all dogs shed. Some are less than others, but they all do.
If you’re concerned about getting pet hair all over your furniture, you should be as proactive as possible and do whatever you can to keep your dog healthy and happy.
Pit Bull owners know the joys of owning one of these breeds very well. They make wonderful companions, good guard dogs and loyal friends. So don’t let a few loose hairs get between you and one of these iconic family pets.
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